Virtual laboratories

Today modern laboratory works require sophisticated hi-tech equipment. However, the high cost of the measuring instruments and devices limits its application in the educational process. The advanced scientific developments has no educational analogs.

Only virtual laboratory workshops that model different measuring equipment with the "photographic" computer interface can solve this problem.

What we offer:

  • The software models the functionality of modern measuring equipment and allows creating computer laboratory to study various microwave devices.
  • The virtual measuring equipment has the computer interface similar to that of real devices.
  • The created laboratory works have no restrictions on the number of workplaces.
  • Their cost is much lower than that of the real measuring equipment.
  • The offered laboratory workshops allow students to gain experience in operating widely used expensive equipment and studying physical properties of the various microwave devices.

The structure

The modelled laboratory has a modular structure. Any device is represented as an independent module and could be easily added to the laboratory. Front panels of computer models of measuring equipment have a "photographic" equivalence to real analogs. The remote (local network and Internet) access to the laboratory is in progress.
Video "The Microwave Virtual Laboratory for RF Engineers Education"


Tel: +7 (863) 2184000 Add. number 11456