Nowadays distance learning is becoming more and more popular in higher educational institutions.
Computer interface of the "LC-filter" laboratory work Computer interface of the "RC-filter" laboratory work The front panels of virtual measuring equipment represent the photos of real devices.
Virtual laboratory works
This type of learning has a number of advantages: it provides a free learning schedule, individual pace of studying subjects for each student, as well as the opportunity to study in foreign universities.
Nevertheless, distance learning
requires the development of virtual laboratories and specialized software.
Computer modeling of the operating principles of measuring equipment and various devices makes it possible to create models of devices very similar to their physical counterparts.
We offer virtual radiophysics laboratory “Microwave Devices” which includes the following works:
- Various waveguide filters based on:
• rectangular waveguide
• waveguides with complex cross-section (H- and P-waveguides)
• circular waveguides with a complex cross-section aperture
- Various RLC filters
- Coaxial-waveguide junction
- Microstrip devices
• directional taps
• resonators
• filters
- Various antennas
• slotted waveguide antennas
• mirror antennas
- Modulation of radio signals
- Summing of microwave signals
- Microwave Transistor Amplifier
To operate the virtual device the user is "pressing" the buttons and other elements of the interface using a computer mouse.
We can design and create the models of any instruments according to your needs, include them in our virtual laboratory and develop new laboratory works specially for you.
Contact us and we will discuss any of your ideas and answer all your questions.
Demo Video Virtual Laboratories Demo Video ZVA 40 Rohde&Schwarz Demo Video E8363B PNA Agilent Our publicationsIf you are interested in additional information concerning this project, please contact us: